Energy and Relationships... do you know how you show up?

A new year with new opportunities lays ahead for all of us, if we can see the opportunities when they are presented to us. If you don’t notice the doors of opportunity as they open, maybe it’s time to be honest with yourself and really look hard at the energy you’re giving away, as well as the relationships you have with others.

Do you know how you are showing up day in and day out? This term “showing up” seems to be popular in the world of pod casts, social media and other avenues of information and for good reasons. Knowing how you show up (also known as self-awareness) plays a very important part in our work and personal lives in a sense of cultivating how you feel about yourself, how you feel about others and your ability to build relationships.

Self-awareness can be described as “the ability to recognize and understand one’s own emotions”. When we can recognize and lean into our thoughts and emotions we stand a greater chance of forming better relationships, not only with other people but with ourselves. When we get in tune with our self- awareness this will allow us to become more curious and less judgemental of others mainly because we can see our own blind spots and learn how to adjust for a better overall experience.

Energy, is defined as “the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity”. How does this apply to you as well as others? Think about relationship energy - the energy that is created and worked on when forming relationships with other people. Every time we interact with others, we give off a form of energy and this leaves a certain type of impression. That energy can appear in many different forms. Some of these would include, positive or negative, passionate or disinterested, warm or cold, vibrant or dull, passive or assertive, a good experience or possibly a bad experience. If you were to reflect on the energy you give out during interactions, do you know what impression you leave with the other person? Could you be oblivious to this and possibly perceived as a bit of an emotional roller coaster by those around you.

Being more observant of your own emotions and interactions with people will help you to strengthen your ability to form deep and meaningful relationships. Have patience and take the time to expand your own perspective on ‘Energy and Relationships” and watch the doors of opportunity open for you and those around you.